BMI 2050 Megatrends Event – Free to SLA Members in May

SLA Europe is pleased to announce that 2018’s Summer Soiree co-sponsor BMI Research  is opening up its 2050 Megatrends event this month free of charge to members.

The morning event is being held in London’s Canary Wharf on Thursday 17th May.

2050 Megatrends

Acting as catalysts for new operating models from construction to automotives, new technologies and external forces will transform the current competitive landscapes by the middle of the century.

Join BMI Research’s senior analysts to discuss some of the most impactful megatrends identified in our recent special report. For the event, BMI will focus on three core industries: Technology, Infrastructure & Construction and Automotives. It will discuss the technologies and forces that will shape these sectors for the coming three decades.

For more details and the booking please use the following link:

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