During challenging times, we need to perform effectively under pressure, deal with stress appropriately and bounce back from adversity.
SLA Europe, in partnership with LexisNexis and Continuum, is hosting an event on personal resilience that will provide you with practical advice to help you:
- Sustain effective energy and performance
- Get in control of your health and set yourself up for success
- Hone your mental capacity and build brain fitness
- Do less in order to achieve more!
This event is kindly sponsored and hosted by LexisNexis at their offices at Halsbury House, London.
Date: Monday 15 October
Location: LexisNexis,
Costs: Free to SLA members. £15 to non members.
Given the nature of this event, it is essential that you register to guarantee your place – please click here to register. In the event that you register but do not attend, SLA Europe reserves the right to charge the non-member entrance fee (£15).