SLA Europe is delighted to offer four opportunities for current European library and information science students and new professionals (those who have been working in the field for less than five years) to attend the 2013 SLA Conference.
SLA Europe are offering awards with four Divisions of SLA: Business & Finance, Leadership & Management, Legal, and Pharmaceutical & Health Technology. This year’s Early Career Conference Awards will provide valuable opportunities for new professionals in LIS to develop and establish themselves within their chosen sector.
The Awards allow winners to attend the 2013 SLA Annual Conference and INFO-EXPO in San Diego, 9 – 11 June 2013 and cover all expenses including conference registration, hotel accommodation, economy return airfare to San Diego, and meals.
The deadline for applications is 15 February 2013 and winners will be notified in March 2013.
For more details on the award, and how to apply, please visit: awards/early-career- conference-award/
Previous Award winners thoroughly enjoyed their experience of attending the SLA Conference and their ongoing participation in SLA. Here are just some of the benefits highlighted in their post-conference articles for SLA Europe:
- Gaining a broadened perspective on the many careers a Library and Information Science (LIS) degree offers by attending Conference programme events and meeting seasoned information professionals at the Conference.
- Receiving professional recognition from SLA Europe members and the co-sponsoring SLA Divisions. Award winners will be formally acknowledged in San Diego by the Division co-sponsoring them. They will also be introduced at the International Reception and the First Timers Reception.
- Being able to travel to the United States and meet information professionals from all parts of the globe.
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