As my Presidential year comes to an end on the 31 December 2012 I would like to extend my deepest thanks to you for your continued support of SLA Europe and for making my year as President an enjoyable experience. With your generous help, SLA Europe in 2012 was able to provide the information community with a range of excellent networking and professional development opportunities. Your generous support was particularly welcomed this year as SLA Europe celebrated its 40th Anniversary.
Our 2012 programme of events covered a number of activities including social networking, professional development workshops and industry related panel sessions:
We started the year with our popular annual quiz which was kindly sponsored by The Financial Times and SWETS.
In February SLA Europe celebrated its 40th Anniversary and Rothschild’s sponsored a reception at their stunning new building.
Perfect Information sponsored Facilitation Uncovered in March.
SWETS and The Financial Times sponsored “All Change” in May.
Facet Publishing sponsored a book signing in Leeds in June.
Integreon, The Financial Times, 7Side sponsored and Nomura hosted our spectacular summer party in July.
In September, The Financial Times, RM Group and Perfect Information sponsored an event on Social Media which was hosted by Morgan Stanley.
October was our busiest month. LM Information sponsored “A future for special libraries?”, hosted by the National Library of Scotland in Edinburgh. Lexis Nexis hosted and sponsored an event on “Personal Resilience”. Then EBSCO sponsored a successful event at Internet Librarian International on Information Risk.
In November our popular SLA(m) Social networking event was sponsored by the RM Group.
Finally for 2012, the Financial Times hosted a panel session on “Horizon Scanning 2013” which was kindly sponsored by the Financial Times and 7Side.
My successor Stephen Phillips will take over as President on the 1 January 2013.
Our events team already have an excellent programme of events and social occasions for you to be involved with. Please do contact Stephen with any event ideas you have or how SLA Europe can collaborate with your organisation.
By working with you in partnership, we can ensure that SLA Europe remains the thriving network for information professionals in the UK and across Europe.
I would like to thank you again for all your support and wish you a prosperous and happy 2013.
With best wishes,
Darron Chapman
President, SLA Europe