We are excited to announce that nominations are now open for the position of SLA Europe President Elect for 2020. Please see below for more details from our current president, Simon Burton.
“As President of for SLA Europe, I would like to request nominations for the position of SLA Europe President Elect for 2020. The role of President Elect is a 3 year commitment – you will be required to act as President Elect in 2020, Chapter President in 2021 and Past President in 2022.
It’s exciting times for SLA Europe having recently held our first European conference along with our busy schedule of events, webinars and other activities. The chapter will be 50 years old in 2022 and the President Elect will play a key role in ensuring SLA Europe is ready for the future.
If you would like further information on the role, please see the terms of reference on the SLA Europe Nominations Committee webpage or feel free to contact me at the nominations committee email address below.
If you would like to submit a nomination for the role of President Elect 2019 please email it to .
The deadline for submissions is Monday 21st October 2019.
Best wishes,
Simon Burton”